October 25, 2017

Forge54 2017

Sparkhouse is proud to continue to be a huge player at the annual Forge54 skilled giving weekend.  Created by Torrey Tayenaka 5 years ago, the event has grown to involve over 100 volunteers a year from various agencies, clubs and universities.  

If you haven’t heard of Forge54, it’s a 54-hour skilled giving weekend where volunteers in marketing and advertising come together to donate their time and skills to a non-profit in need. Past Forge54 weekend recipients have included OC Food Bank, Playworks SoCal, Wells of Life and Illumination Foundation.  The amazing organization this year was Ocean Institute and the Sparkhouse team couldn’t have been more excited.

Volunteers from the Sparkhouse team included Torrey Tayenaka (Strategy), John Nasteff (Team Leader), Spencer Shahidzadeh (Team Leader), Alex Meader (Team Leader), Paul Marin (BTS), Dave Cortez (Video) Arash Maghbouleh (Video) and Danny Tayenaka (Photo).  The Sparkhouse team combined to donate almost 500 hours of skilled giving to help Forge54 donate over $500,000 worth of pro-bono services!

Here are a few samples of the videos that Sparkhouse helped create in the intense 54 hour weekend.

The Brand Video was created in order to provide Ocean Institute with a main marketing asset that can be used to convey their overall goals and services they offer to the surrounding communities.

Our 2017 Forge54 weekend yielded:

  • 103 volunteers
  • 4378 collective service hours
  • 3 top level promotional campaigns
  • 5 branded videos
  • 6 months of social media marketing
  • 7 original landing web pages
  • 3 virtual tours
  • 1 iPad kiosk application
  • 1 interactive map

Sparkhouse is proud of everyone who volunteered and we look forward to our continued involvement in future year’s to come.
Forge On.