Thought Leadership Videos With A Twist - Sparkhouse

Thought Leadership Videos

Ok…this week’s Feature Friday is a series of Thought Leadership videos unlike you’ve ever seen before…but the thing is…you might recognize the intro.

Dan Callahan of Callahan & Blaine is a trial lawyer located here in Orange County. If you know anything about the law industry in Orange County, competition is fierce.

Dan came to Sparkhouse to create a series of Thought Leadership videos with a twist. Something that would make his firm stand out from the noise.

And that’s exactly what he got.

Thought Leadership videos are meant to showcase your expertise in an authentic and organic way. And these, if we can say so, definitely hit those marks.

We used key search terms that his customers and potential customers are using so that these videos will show up in both Google and YouTube search results

…and if they happen to be fans of the jet-setting, cigar smoking, sports-car-driving MAGNUM PI, even better.

You can watch all five videos HERE.

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