Effortless online orders start here – discover Fry Steel's video guide.

Today, we're excited to spotlight a significant advancement from our friends at Fry Steel, a stalwart in the metal supply industry and now a proud subsidiary of Reliance Steel & Aluminum Co. Known for their unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction, high-quality products, and innovative solutions, Fry Steel is revolutionizing how customers place online orders for materials.

We've collaborated with Fry Steel to develop a user-friendly video walkthrough that demystifies the online ordering process on their platform. This video is a blend of clear voiceovers, detailed screen grabs, and smooth animations designed to navigate you through each step – from material search to checkout.

This tool is crafted not just for Fry Steel's internal use and their partners but as a resource for anyone looking to understand the simplicity and efficiency of ordering with Fry Steel. Whether you're a seasoned purchaser or new to the world of steel and aluminum, this video ensures that placing your order online is as straightforward as possible.


We encourage you to visit our website and view this instructional video. It's an excellent opportunity to experience firsthand how Fry Steel is making it easier for everyone to access their wide range of metal products.