Getting ready for college isn't exactly something that every young adult entering high school is prepared for, let alone looking forward to. From choosing the right school, selecting classes, and applying for financial aid and scholarships, a lot goes into getting ready for the next stage of life.
Still, getting ready for college shouldn't start two weeks before you accept your high school diploma.
Nova Academy is a tuition-free charter high school that has made it a priority to help students get ready for college by creating a unique learning culture that focuses on college readiness. Throughout their high school career, students are able to earn college credits for the courses they take while being guided by a team of dedicated mentors and advisors to help inspire, educate, and prepare all students to be successful in college, career, and in life.
Nova Academy is currently driving a fundraising initiative for their school to help further develop their athletics program to help their students stay active and engaged while they learn the benefits of teamwork and leadership. Nova Academy came to us looking for a fundraising video that could demonstrate the impact of its athletics program to potential donors and investors, which we were more than happy to create for them.
You can check out the full video we created below: