Modern times mean modern crimes. - Sparkhouse

Modern times mean modern crimes.

Reolink Duo Videos

Today’s criminals are getting smarter, knowing how to outwit dated security systems, avoid detection, and break into your home.

That’s why Reolink knew they had to take a more innovative approach to home security.

They created the Reolink Duo, a DUAL-LENSE security system with a 150-degree view, 2 pieces of 2K sensors (think: REALLY clear picture), built in spotlights, and person and vehicle detection, and its own app where you can see what’s going on around your home in real time.

They came to us to create a video that showcased their high-tech high-security equipment.

A video company producing video for a company that specializes in awesome cameras? Sign us up.

We created 2 videos for Reolink Duo: a product video that went into details of the system, its components, and real footage produced by the Reolink Duo, and a promotional video that showed a use-case of the Reolink duo, touching on the emotions of their target audience.

And remember…emotion is what makes your products sell.

You can view the videos HERE:



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